The Little Book Of Aura Healing
Simple practices for Cleansing and Reading the Color of the Aura
An Evolutionary Break-Through in Energy Medicine
I have been working together with doctors and other complimentary practitioners as part of a health care team especially with pain management and chiropractic care since I opened my private practice in NYC in 2009. Doctors and chiropractors often refer patients to me when they are not responding to normal treatment.
This is usually due to a tear in the Human Energy Field around a chakra, or organ. Once repaired, the patient begins to have a progressive recovery. It is really a passion of mine to work together with other compassionate practitioners to bring the physical healing Energy Medicine has to offer out to the local community.
Welcome to the Journey Inward to Who You Truly Are.
“The journey to find yourself is actually what you long to believe is truly inside you. There is no distance to consciousness. The part of you that seeks for something, ‘that one thing’ outside of yourself to set things right, was brought into motion by the forgetting of who you really are. It was and always has been inside of you…waiting…to be acknowledged by you.”
–Laura Styler